Tuesday, 17 April 2012

O is for OMG!

OMG has become the polite way of declaring shock or amazement.

I would first like to say that my faith has nothing to do with this post.  This post is created out of my amazement at the lack of respect many people have for another's faith.

We don't have people decalring OMB (Oh My Buddah!) or OMA (Oh My Alah!) or any other thing like that.  But we as a society have become comfortable and familiar with using God and JC as an acceptable term of shock, amazement, contempt and swearing.  To me this is disrespectful of the people who hold Christianity as a faith.

I try my hardest to NOT use this slang but it slips out.  I try to teach my children not to use this slang and why.  I also try to spread the awarenss of respect and understanding and tolerance for all religions, races, choices, etc - regardless if I agree with them or not.  People make these choices and as long as it makes them happy - who cares!

OH - and I am not a Christian.  I was raised Catholic and it never took.  I explored religions of the world during university, I spoke to different people, visited different services, read tons of books etc.  None of them really fit except one.  Of course, the one that fit with me of course is one of the most mis-understood of them all but hey - so is the rest of my life!

So I live my life Wiccan and by the belief of 'As long as ye harm none, do as ye will'


  1. Oh my Buddah! Haha that's awesome. Great post and happy A-Z blogging!

  2. How interesting that you're a wiccan! I do love that wiccan creed.
    Happy A-Zing!

  3. I don't think OMB would stick anyway, just in the short time it took me to read your post I came up with way too many other words to fill the "B" part with.

    I also don't think by me saying OMG I'm being disrespectful to others beliefs. Oh My God implies I am oh my godding MY god, not your god.

    Good one today Cristin, got me thinking that's for sure!

  4. how interesting that you're wiccan! i do love that wiccan creed:)
    Happy A-Zing!
