Thursday 12 April 2012

K is for Kawai

Kawai is the brand name of my piano.
I started playing piano when I was 5.  I took lessons and practiced and slacked through my playing for my enitre life at home.  By the time I was graduating from high school I was at about a Royal Conservatory Grade 9 playing level but my technique sucked!

I never gave it up.  I played for fun and enjoyment. 

One day I decided to go back to it seriously - I actually sat my Grade 8 exam and passed.  I got all the way up to Grade 4 History and Grade 2 Rudiments.  I need to do Harmony now . . .

I am working on Grade 9 - I have been for a LONG time.  I just can't seem to commit to it.

I also teach. 

I have spent countless hours in front of that word - Kawai - the first A is just above Middle C.  It was my starting point. 

I don't think I could ever live without my piano -

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